Postagens populares

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009


My name is Athanasius Fabrino Athanasius; I am capricornian by the date of birth, which is 27 December, in 1983. The name Athanasius, which is also the name of my grandfather, means eternal or that which does not die. Then does it mean that I will not die? Actually no, it does not mean that, because my nature, which is human, is brittle and dynamic that means it will not be always the same. My human nature comprises a unity of two realities such as physical as well as spiritual. The physical reality comprises my body, and the spiritual reality comprises the soul, which is the root or center of my life.
My father’s name, which is Fabrino, means manual work, it is of Italian root or origin and it is different of my name, which is of the Greek root.
I am an African from Mozambique; I speak Portuguese as well as English, though I also do speak other languages such as Kiswahili, Makonde and a little bit of French. I was born in posto administrativo de Mbau one of the villages of Mocimboa da Praia district, in Cabo Delgado province in Mozambique. I was brought up by my grandfather and my grandmother the parents of my father, and this seems to be strange, because it is not in accordance to the reality of tradition of my tribe, which is Makonde, and by the reality of its tradition is matrilineal. Nevertheless, I have a full right of saying thanks be to God for the great care and affection, which I have received throughout my childhood from my grandfather and my grandmother. However, when I was still very young it was very difficult for me to distinguish my mother from my grandmother or my father from my grandfather, simply because my grandfather as well as my grandmother were always close to me than my father and my mother. Therefore, I regarded my grandfather and grandmother as my father and mother. This difference I have come to realize later. My father died when I was still very young, and my mother left my father to her family while he was still sick, then my father told my mother to leave me under care of my grandparents.
From them I got a great experience of respecting and caring for human life as well as human values. My grandmother Bessaliza Matupaly was very dedicated in taking care of her family, beyond that, she was also a traditional doctor. Whereas, my grandfather was a great adviser and problem solver within the sphere of his family and sometimes outside of his family. This experience gave me a great challenge while I was still very young, especially when I thought of my future life. Another, great thing which I must appreciate from my father’s parent is that whenever I could do something wrong they could only harmer me through words and not slap or smack as I have been seeing from other families. I was brought up by Christian family but very realistic and with a liberal spirit .Again this spirit led me to be realistic at any environment where I have been living. I remember when I entered in seminary my formator tried to lead me into hypocratic reality; due to that we had a great squabble with him and it helped him to understand that I was not of such behavior. In generally, I never found satisfaction or happiness in hypocratic behavior.
One of the greatest things which I have realized in the course of my life is that, people of relevant hints do not have plenty of words, they have very few words but most useful, they have words which call for further reflection and they do not seek for ideas which intend to entertain peoples but rather to pave a way for further reflection for the listeners. Nevertheless, most people do not appreciate listen the speech of realistic people, they fear critical ideas they only enjoy to be cheated and indoctrinated. What’s more, many people entertain false ideas especially those, which are related to faith. As a result whoever talks on the base of the principles of objective truth they fear him/her. Therefore, it seems to me that many people are guided by unintelligible principles. That’s why the few people who do exercise their freedom, liberty, on the bases of objective truth are hated by society, on the contrary; I hate those who intend to indoctrinate others on the bases of false principles, those who claim to be free and liberal on the bases of false principle they are my great enemies, because I don’t entertain their false imaginations. It is sad that they can easily catch the mind of the crowd within societies. It is because the truth of the real world is held by few people; and the rest are like flags which are moved by air. I don’t spare a person who develops false ideas, so I just tell him/her that what you are saying is nonsense, and actually nonsense is spoken by those who never find satisfaction in remain silence in meeting, in short they only find pleasure in talking wherever they are; no matter whether it is reasonable or unreasonable. However; we need to know that, nowadays the authentic people do not looking for listening what you are speaking but the value and originality of your ideas, or of what you are speaking; so before you talk just ask yourself the use of such ideas. It is because the world is full of pollution whenever you speak nonsense the situation becomes worse. Please think yourself in relation to this, and if you authentic human being you will know what is your reality. People of false principles are full of empty words and do not speak about things that make a part of their experiences they just talk about experiences of others and the rest of imaginations; as result what they say is always in contradiction with their ways of behaving.

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