Postagens populares

sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009


It will be a bit complicated to talk about reality of the modern world, however; it is upon us to say something in relation to what we are experiencing in our daily life in connection to our actual world. There many things which we need to appreciate in course of our life in this actual world, the advance of technology, especially in the areas of communications and healthy. Nevertheless, there are also many irregularities, which are related to the reality of the world itself, such as great inclinations on the power, material things, and satisfaction of sexual pleasure. The world with advancement of technology is revealing everyday with universal culture, which we call civilization through which everyone feels with some sign of being sheltered with it, especially when he is outside of his native country or environment, mostly when he/she is well opened or informed to the reality of the actual world and its demands in relation to the civilization.
There is also other things which I have noted in the course of my observations which I have done these days, many beliefs or values based on the religious convictions are always tending to lose their considerations; as I have underlined in the previous arguments that many people in actual world are mostly motivated in satisfaction of sexual pleasure, power as well as material things, so from this if someone talks about self sacrifice, self denial, self giving sounds an imagination, which is far away from the real world, on the view of the many people in our actual world.
I do not intend to put blame on the people of this generation who are with such tendencies, which I have highlighted above, because the world itself is always revealing to us such reality of being more materialistic, again the weaknesses which I have mentioned are not only restricted in social life, even in religious life there many people who are undergoing such problems.
The greatest dream of the people in this actual world is realization of comfortability, in relation to the means from which one can accomplish it, nobody cares for analyzing whether they are just or not, what matters is only the achievement of comfortability. What’s more many people are always insecure, especially when they realize that are getting older, their great expectations is always to be young; and this is really sad from my point of view, and it is based on the ignorance, because human nature is dynamic therefore nobody is expecting us to be always the same mentally as well as physically.
One day I had a chance of participating seminar on the “advancement of technology as the threat of faith” in the Catholic University of Curtiba the capital city of one of the Brazilian provinces, the scientist who said that “the new technology has discovered the mean of extending the life expectance, that means if a person was to die with 8 years old had a chance of living about two or more years. Actually, this would become a threat for some believers, simply, because they pray for the sake of realization of eternal life, but the authentic believer does not pray for the sake of reward but rather for the better understanding of the value of human life or the creation in general. Many religious people are regarded to be hippocrates, because what they preach or promote does not fit on their experiences, on the reality which they live in the course of their daily life.
In the political arena, in our actual world the most celebrated word in political arena is democracy. Actually, it has been useful in some contexts though in most countries of the world do claim to be democratic while in really sense they do no follow even one principle of democracy. In other countries where people demand for exercising some principles of democracy in expected sense, they end up by misusing some values such as freedom of speech, liberty justice and so forth. Our actual democratic world, does not care for objective truth, simply because where there is liberty everyone is free to believe in whatever he/she wishes, but this is not what is meant for liberty. It is well recognized that liberty works properly when it goes hand in hand with responsibility. Again whenever I intend to claim my liberty I have also to know where does my liberty ends, because it is from there where I can recognize and give value the liberty of others. In many people in our actual world are claiming liberty or freedom which is based on the false principles, as result they consider everything to be relative, even what is meant to be objective they consider to be subjective. The liberty and freedom which people of actual world intend to exercise could be well exercised if was based on the realistic principles. So nowadays people do fight for achievement of liberty or freedom without defining what is meant the truth. In the course of the history of humanity, we had great thinkers such as Socrates, Jesus, Plato, Aristotle and others. Jesus had a great view in relation to the issue of liberty or freedom, though in many cases people do quote Jesus ideas only in mystical or religious perspective. The great hint which Jesus underlined in relation to the issue of liberty of freedom is the recognition of the connection that exist between truth and freedom, that means our freedom has to base on the principles of the objective and not on the false principles. Jesus held that “if you obey my teachings, you will be really my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”(Jn. 8:32). So, the actual claim of liberty or freedom could be relevant if it had base on the objective truth. I remember one day during the talk with my colleague on the issue of liberty, and he told me that he was free to believe in whatever he wanted to believe in; then I told him that my brother your liberty or freedom which you need to claim has to base on the truth, so if your liberty or freedom does not base on the principles of truth will not last longer. Actually, the conviction that I am free to do whatever that I want; is completely hopeless because we are in the society where there are norms and laws; so in which context are you claiming to do whatever you want on the base of your liberty or freedom. Moreover, due to misunderstanding of freedom or liberty many people are becoming Gays or Homosexuals and what is bad enough other are having sex with animals like dogs, caws and so on. This kind of behavior rises on the spirit of people who do not understand the difference between rational beings and irrational beings. Again due to this problem the world is facing with several diseases which the origin is unexplained, but are the people who are transporting the diseases of animals to human beings, and it is really very sad, how can an authentic and rational human being have a sex with animal? I remember, a Mozambican woman who is married with a German man. The man trained his dog in order to have a sex with his wife. So whenever, the man could be out for some days, a dog could replace him, in having sex with his wife. Then question is, did this man really love his wife? In really sense no. My answer of this question bases on the rationality and objective truth and not on the false principles of freedom or liberty, which many people claim in this actual world. What’s more, the woman was addicted to act, and said that dog did satisfy her sexual pleasure, whenever she could sex with dog, she got satisfied sexually.
My view of the future reality of this world is unintelligible, simply because people will not search for the truth or justice but only that which can satisfy them, no matter whether it is unfair or unreasonable, but what will matter is the achievement of satisfaction or comfortability. However, everyone has to bear in mind that the best thing in this world, which we must give the highest value, is life itself, because it has no factory or industry in this material world. So whatever, that we intend to do anything, we must first analyze and criticize in order to understand if it is fair or reasonable for the well being of our own life or for the life of humanity in general.

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